
Looking for a Indian virtual assistant for transcription and other work

Looking for a Indian virtual assistant for transcription and other work

I am looking for an Indian virtual assistant who can work part-time for me. The pay will be somewhere between 5-10K rupees monthly. The primary job will include listening to interviews to make notes and then transcribing selected parts. Some other data entry work will be given as needed. Interested people can send me a writing sample at bajpaianutosh(at)gmail


Please only apply if you have decent English knowledge and can understand enough to listen and transcribe

Skills Required



my voice is like a song that carries on the wind, deep and melodious. it's like a river of honey, sweet and soothing, yet with a richness that resonates with emotion. when i speak, it's like a symphony of sound that brings feelings of warmth and comfort to those who hear it. my voice has the power to calm and to inspire, to move and

hello, i’m sharma binaya basically i am native indian from rishikesh and my mother language is hindi, i have completed my degree from dit university.
i am based in japan, here i am doing the same translator related job as a freelancer. i think i am good fit for this.

Bid On Listing Created 2 years ago in Data Entry

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