
I need someone to post commments on youtube

I need someone to post commments on youtube

I need someone to post youtube commments for me , daily work. 1 commment on 1 video
I need someone that has many youtube accounts ( over 300 ) and wants to work with me on long term.
Message ME FIRST!


has over 300 youtube accts
experience on youtube comments

Skills Required



please order me
fast delivery
non drop guaranteed

order me, we have 500+ youtube active accounts..

i give you 300 youtube video comments for $25.
please order me now.


hello sir,
i provide you permanent comment, all of my chanel are verified by phone number. so you can get a better service by me.
thanks sir.


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i can do this job perfectly.I have 500 youtube accounts and i can do 500 youtube comments per link and also i can do any kind of social OR web comments. SO if you need please choose me .............Thanks

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30+ Youtube custom comments only for $3
Please sir order me

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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Data Entry

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