
Post my message on games forums

Post my message on games forums

I am looking to buy forum posting services.

Looking for people to post my games site and message to games related forums only.

Flash Games Forums
Games Forums

Actually, it can be pretty much ANY forum but the more related to gaming and flash gaming the better!

All you need to do is create a new post on the forum either in Introductions area, review my site area or any area on the forum that is to do with gaming or flash gaming.

You can perhaps reply to a few posts as well with a helpful reply putting link to my site.

I will pay $3 per forum post created.
I want minimum 10 posts per person so $30.00 for 10 posts (threads).


Create account on gaming forums.
Start a new thread in either review my site or other forum.
Post a few replies to some existing threads with my site link.
Copy the URLs of the threads/post replies and send them to me.

Skills Required

forums foruming flash gaming


i'm electronics telecom engineer by qualification with skills html,designing blog in cms,seo,php,javascripts,making website blog,wordpress,marketing,seo,smm,fixing pc problem online and take up projects of all sizes feel free to contact me

my skills are mostly programming but i can finish this job fast and efficient .
would like too have a long term relationship concerning this job.
thank you.

i can do it. you can give me the work please.


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Forum Posts

Other jobs by idealmike