
I need 50-100 comments on a blog post

I need 50-100 comments on a blog post

Hi, I need 50-100 comments on one of my blog post. The comments must look like genuine ones.

and the work must be finished within 24 hours.

Those who would like to do this work for me can Pm me directly.

Its is very urgent, its is for building reputation for a specific blog post. Good number of comments means good conversion rate.

All comments should be look like real ones and unique ones. You can submit all comments at once, no issues. but the only thing is that it should be related to the post.

I'll give you more information through PM.

Thank you.


50-100 genuine like comments.
work must be completed within 24 hours.

Skills Required



send me the info sir then i start your work immediately

i can make a lot of original, content-related comments at really quick pace, drop me a pm if you're interested.

just order me and give me your dittoes that i complete my job with in short time

Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Blogs

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