I want someone to redesign my my blog www.myictsolutions.net. he should be able to change the logo,ad style,get a good keywords for the person,meta tag and seo optimization and backlinks for the site to rank,and teach the person how to insert keywords in his article,price is negotiable
Seo expert,
have a wonderful day.
i will provide you a new website design where you will get a new design, a new logo system and ad style widget. i will analysis meta tag and seo optimization and backlinks for the website to make life time traffic generation by white hat seo and will also make give you the rules for keyword generation on any new arti
i will do it for you
i will redesign your website, i will make it responsive and more interactive and engaged. will workout on your seo, do a keyword analysis and even tell you about keyword insertion and how seo works. everything from metas to linking. contact for more info
as discussed will do phase1