I have included below two examples of what I am looking for:
Example Keyword 1): Motorcycle Backpacks
Example Introduction 1):
Motorcycle bike riders are enticed by the freedom to travel, whether for short or long trips. But when you want to go for a few hours journey, you want to be prepared. You need to have a backpack that feels comfortable on your back during the ride and can carry your belongings with you. Riders like yourself have invested in your bikes and your riding gear, so your backpack should complement your outfit.
There are many types of backpacks to choose from, but the final choice really depends on the preference of the rider. Some prefer small bags to contain the essential items they need while others need larger bags, particularly if they are going on a day trip and want to bring some extra gear with them. Generally, a medium-sized backpack is perfect if you want to buy just one bag that will suit most occasions.
Example Keyword 2): Motorcycle Alarms
Example Introduction 2):
It seems that in this day-and-age, more than ever, motorbike and bicycle theft are becoming more and more of an issue. Even with more advanced locking systems, it seems we are having issues keeping up with thieves with time and energy on their hands. In this article, we discuss motorbike alarms that are highly rated by consumers and made by reputable companies. The options you will find here are technologically advanced and made of good materials. They are either wired-in sound alarms (some with tracking mechanisms) or disc-lock brakes. The wired-in, sounding alarm and tracking mechanisms can really be installed on most areas of the bike, however, most insurance companies require that they are "fitted". Fitted essentially means that they are installed deep within the bike, usually an area that is really hard to get to in a short period of time.
I will supply the keywords for the introductions. Niches vary but nothing that Google would not approve of. Example: porn, gambling.
I am paying $5.00 USD for each keyword/introduction.
Writers must be creative writers. I do not want the same stuff as everyone else on the internet. Tell a story, an experience, something that happened to you or someone you know to make the reader want to read further than the introduction on the keyword I give you. Use "I" when referring to yourself and "you" when addressing my readers.
I cannot stress enough the importance of being Creative and Original.
i have a blog also.i wrote many bloges.i think i can help you.feel free to contact with me...
200 words for your article
order me i can do this.
hello needwriters,
i like to work on your project. i am a content writer with 550+ positive rating. 100% buy/sell rate. i am willing to write an approx 200-words article based on your keyword, as per seo suggests. you will get 100% unique error free articles from me. i am taking just $4 for 1x200-words keyword base