Need 100 Learning Ideas for students to excel in life and in exams. This is towards teaching kids and students at schools and in general. I need the best of ideas to promote quality literacy for all. An inception towards Quality Learning for all. This is for learning sake. For progressive writers who can contribute to the best of learning towards Quality Literacy for all.
I required 100 learning ideas in about one or two lines for each Idea. Need 100 Learning Ideas for students to excel in life and in exams. This is towards teaching kids and students at schools and in general. I need the best of ideas to promote quality literacy for all. An inception towards Quality Learning for all. This is for learning sake. For progressive writers who can contribute to the best of learning towards Quality Literacy for all. The work can be given in PPT format too.
i like to give you 100 ideas for your students, that they should apply in their life..
u may message me for any questions...
regards- razarshi