
High quality article/blog writers needed! 1500 - 2500 word articles

High quality article/blog writers needed! 1500 - 2500 word articles

Hello we are looking for high quality bloggers to write 1500 to 2500 word articles for a new company that offers Holistic CBD treats for pets. CBD is a cannabinoid found in the hemp plant that offers many health benefits for people as well as for animals. We are looking for the BEST HIGH QUALITY ENGLISH SPEAKING WRITERS!!

Topics need to be well researched and articles need to be very well written with good structure, lots of good headings & content to be easily skimmable.

Articles to be written in the following niches: CBD / pets / dogs / cats / natural healing / holistic / cannabis

We expect very high quality, problem solving, unique & informative articles that are “better” then the top articles already out there ranking top. All content will need to pass copyscape and a quick fact check. All articles needs to contain given keywords naturally within the article at least 3 times (if possible). For now articles are to have NO outbound links and NO images. All article topics and keywords will be provided.

1500+ word articles we pay $100

2000+ word articles we pay $145

2500+ word articles we pay $220

This is for serious quality writers only!!! Please see below for examples of High Quality Content


- All writers need to have USA English as their FIRST language.

- All writers need to be based in USA, CANADA, or AUSTRALIA only!

- Articles need to original content and pass copyscape

- Writing style: Informative/Friendly

- Please PM me 3 samples of your latest work for us to examine and let us know any questions.

Thank you!

Skills Required

Blogger English Articlewriting Blogging Seo Expert Editing Contentwriting Writing


order me sir... 100%, satisfaction guarantee

i can write

1500+ word articles

2000+ word articles

2500+ word articles

please specify the requirements and more details of work.

first of all i want to point out that i am not based in usa/canada/australia, but i am a native english speaker. however there are various reasons why you might want to consider hiring me:

  1. i have 9+ years writing experience.
  2. i am a trusted level 3 seller with a full 100% positive rating.
  3. i have over 800 positive ratings an

hello, i will professionally write eye-catching 1500 - 2500 word article on your any topic that will catch reader’s attention.why you hire me? because i provide:
*high quality
*well researche


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Hello, I fully understand this job is above my level but I'm new to this platform, I can assure you I'm capable of handling this job, I'm a simple but sophisticated writer i can ascertain you'd get a audience friendly write up.

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PM me a few samples of some recent blog/article that you have written. thanks

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Dear sir,
Can you please start conversation in inbox. therefore i will provide you samples

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Hello,i will write professionally 1500-2500 article on any topic u like...
High quality
well research
plagiarism test pass


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Article writing only needs someone who is attentive to detail and wants to reflect those details and facts in writing- simply and in a language easy to follow. I am that type of writer who will, with meticulously curated writing, produce articles that will not only whet the appetite to read more, but most importantly, leave the reader satisfied and informed. For this reason, anyone who would like to have a taste of my skill is free to get in touch. I will first offer a sample in any topic of choice, just to make sure to satisfy you. Give me a try and you will not regret.

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Hello, I will professionally write eye-catching 1500 - 2500 Article on your topic that will catch reader’s attention.

Why You hire me? Because I provide:
*High Quality
*Well Researched
*With Proper Length
*Free From Spelling And Grammar Errors
*100% Original Content
*Copy Scape Proof
*SEO And User-Friendly.

If Still Any Clarification Needed Please Send Me Message.

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Hello sir,
My name is Antonio and i am professional Article writer. I have lots of experience in article writing and copy writing, Rewriting Content. I am new on Seocheckout but not new in article writing field. I was written on tech, learning, food, freelancing and various topics of different profession. If you need samples i can also provide you samples.
My services
Plagiarism test pass
Grammar test pass
fluent English
High quality content
If you want to see samples inbox me or you have any question ask me, I will clear your confusions.

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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Article Writing

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