
need someone to write really tiny funny stories for my comics

need someone to write really tiny funny stories for my comics

Hai i'm looking for some one to write me short stories for the comics i'm going to create. i can draw the comics i just need the stories/scenes written/explained by you. all the comics should be funny or an attempt to joke. i will pay you $10 for 5 scenes you give. i need 300+ comics for my site so this is along term work.

see the example comics here: if you click the yellow navigation you'll see many comics.

this is my site: i want comics for this type of site.



you need to be funny thinker and creative. mostly expert in adult jokes.

Skills Required

Articlewriting Creative Writer Studentarticle


hey, i'm nextant.
i'm very creative and love jokes. i can create up to 5 for 5$, i will put lots of thought into them and they will be very funny!
i can create five of these in two days ranging in topics from politics to every day things that happen in our lives.

i look forward to working with you,


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Article Writing

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