
Translation from Swahili to Kikuyu

Translation from Swahili to Kikuyu

Order this gig if you are able to deliver a high quality transcript within the stipulated time. If you are able to deliver, then be sure there will be more jobs for you in the future.



Translated word document

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i can translate the document from swahili to excellent kikuyu which will be easy to read and understand very well.

hello reliableworks,

i can provide manual, error free translation from swahili to kikuyu for $75. please contact us asap.

i can translate the document from swahili to excellent kikuyu which will be easy to read and understand very well.

order now

i'm a kenyan and i'm very familiar with both kikuyu and swahili and i can provide error-free translation for both languages so please let us work together on this,

Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Article Translating

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