Hi, I\'ve just checked all 4 domains from the sheet and they are not what you promised. For the research, I used the free version of Ahrefs which is the most accurate program when it comes to backlinks and DA/PA and they are far from what I need. Here\'s a link to my Google Sheet I created to show you with screenshots. Only one of them is fairly good but it\'s only a DA of 7. Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AtAYuFYwMrNR1qjwubggaCe0PKT-lpiEyqyMIZdlc2g/edit#gid=791307271Hi, I\'ve just checked all 4 domains from the sheet and they are not what you promised. For the research, I used the free version of Ahrefs which is the most accurate program when it comes to backlinks and DA/PA and they are far from what I need. Here\'s a link to my Google Sheet I created to show you with screenshots. Only one of them is fairly good but it\'s only a DA of 7. Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AtAYuFYwMrNR1qjwubggaCe0PKT-lpiEyqyMIZdlc2g/edit#gid=791307271
When any buyer order me then i will try on my best for her.this is my speciality.your information no't at all.this is no't justice.if my task is Rong, then i will done task Again.no problem but you....
Thanks, dear for your feedback. I hope that you must realize that you are not justice to me. In a moment you will realize your mistakes. thanks again. good luck.