I checked facebook and cant find my site, i checked tumblr cant find also, so please send 1 links of each site .(fb, tumblr, vk, xing....I checked facebook and cant find my site, i checked tumblr cant find also, so please send 1 links of each site .(fb, tumblr, vk, xing....
this is a bad man. this doesn't know how I work, this man has no idea with me, that's why if people always come to slander, I guarantee work. But this foolish man has not read anything about my service, I am sorry.
This is garbage. the "2046" facebook likes are all on 2 fake pages of people with no facebook friends. And all of the likes are from fake accounts. I tried this because it was a dollar. Awful man. awful.This is garbage. the "2046" facebook likes are all on 2 fake pages of people with no facebook friends. And all of the likes are from fake accounts. I tried this because it was a dollar. Awful man. awful.