
Discussions about Invoked

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It's Second Time with me. I thought it's ok for first time, Because we don't expect all are honest. When I did my task Honestly and carefully, Then why some people claim a false issue and Guarantee invoked? Recently I...

  • Foxseo
    Foxseo Level 1
  • 7 8 years ago

    I completed order of my gig for a client. Instead of 'Mark it complete' , client invoked Guarantee. why this happened and how i could get my money back? to be honest, very poor feature for Sellers

  • aliciamosely
    aliciamosely Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    why many buyers' Guarantee invoked "I did work correctly but they refuse to pay. This feature is to help the buyer not the seller: ((. Lost more money

  • crystygolf5
    crystygolf5 Level 3
  • 3 12 years ago