
Discussions about Characters

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Big update coming from Google this week! Remeber how for years now the absolute limit of meta description was 160 characters with a few occasional test where Google allowed bigger snippets but quickly reverted back to no...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 7 7 years ago

    When I first saw some of those posts with big fonts I thought that my browser was zoomed in max or that they were using text generators to change the font size, but it was none of them. So I started looking on google to ...

  • IntoTheLight
    IntoTheLight Level 1
  • 7 9 years ago

    I have noticed that the number of characters allowed in the gig extras has reduced drastically to only 130 since the introduction of more extras to the existing 3 making 5 gig extras. In my own opinion, though i commen...

  • chetaseo
    chetaseo Level 3
  • 9 9 years ago