does it have to be seo related. Or any kind? Thanks
can you do it through advertising sites that accept affiliate links if you cloak it? Also, If someone becomes an Seocheckout affiliate through my link, do i get a percentage from their sales?
How can I get affiliates to promote my gig? and how much will i have to pay them per sale? Thanks.
No idea If I chose the right category. But I am wondering would classified ad sites work for promoting my gigs? What are your thoughts?
really what does it take to get people to order? Does anyone have any idea to help me?
I Was wondering, can I create a gig about a web template that I am willing to create, and sell under that category.? Or would that go under "other".? Thanks.
How can I get paid for my services? Is there any other way besides paypal and/or payza.? I appreciate any answers