Everyone reading this is likely trying to make money online, and you've likely gone through plenty of methods that didn't work out, but how much time and effort did you actually put into them before deeming them worthles...
One thing holding us back from success is the excuses we give to ourselves after something doesn't go right with our business or website. We tell ourselves that Google changed its algorithm and messed up our rankings o...
I've been using PayPal for a decade now and I'm looking for another payment portal as a contingency. Paypal offers solid buyer protection and easy ways to receive payment (such as when working online as a freelancer)...
When you're a working mom, you probably don't have all the spare time to research how to set up a great blog and start publishing content. If you want to make money, or you just want to publish content for the masses t...
When a visitor lands on your website, they want to see a few more things than just a great website design. Sure, a great design goes a long way, but it's only the face of your business which means you need to also do p...
When it comes to working from home, you're usually going to think of online marketing. Well working from home as an online marketer isn't always the easiest thing to do because there are a lot of things you have to foc...
I have been writing online since 2010. I lunched my blogs and websites in 2015. Since then I have devoted in publishing articles on my blogs and websites. In have monetized my blogs and websites through Adsense and coupl...
Some say they are free. Are free to those that start a fundraiser campaign, kickstarter etc?
I used to get free bumps at listing dock. Now I am not, they are going to Seocheckout. Why? I go to listing dock and go to the forum there, but they are connected, I know. It's not the same site though, and I used to get...
For awhile, I was all into the Star Trek genre TV shows. I've seen every incarnation of Star Trek on TV. I was such a Trek devotee. And, then of course, Angel, a show about a vampire detective. That show was a spin...
what are no of sales you made in feb till date ? Let me know Thanks.
I keep getting this pop-up about an apple system. I can't find it and delete it.
I'm having a problem responding on Craigslist. I can't respond on Craigslist with gmail. The To: is blank. I don't think it was ever blank before. I don't know what happened. Is it my computer, or what is going on, did t...
If I could have one special power, it would be the ability to vanish and reappear in another place on a whim. I think this would be useful for getting out of tricky situations. What would your special power be?
I was wondering if I made an e-book with a collection of short stories, how many stories should be in it? How many pages are the stories? I have 4 stories right now.
I thought I heard a character say bow chicka wow wow. I've tried to find it again, with no luck. Does anyone know if it's in the movie Just Go With It with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston? I think it was one of them,...
I didn't get paid. I have tried contacting them.
I love taking walks in the neighborhood with my dogs. They are always happy be outdoors, even in cold weather. And, their happy energy keeps me going.
In my spare time, I watch TV and play sports occasionally. I do a lot less fun things now with the free time I have than ten years ago. But, that could be related to family responsibilities. On occasion, I get a few f...
Anyone know the best way to make money online?
I need writers for my website www.fedread.com .
In the ideal world, no one would have to lie. But, in reality people lie all the time. And, maybe there is a difference between the little white lies told and the big lies which can destroy lives. What do you think o...
Would you say that Facebook is a freelancer's best friend? I'm interested in promoting on Facebook groups that allow advertising. I have a page but not many fans so far and I don't know how to optimize the page to make...
What if you saw a friend or family member about to make a bad decision? Would you interfere to stop them? What would you do?
Do you have a best friend? Who is it (if you want to say) and how long have you know that person?