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DON'T WASTE TIME TRYING TO CONVINCE A SKEPTIC BUYER!! - It's vital for your own success.
Never do this. Not on seocheckout. Not anywhere. A potential client is one thing but
someone who's skeptic for starters, will consume tons of time. It's not worth it. Not even if it's a chance to get your very first sale.
You should always be polite and helpful but answering questions from people
who never seems to be satisfied, no matter how many questions you answer.. Usually never is.
• Stay away from struggling clients. You will most certainly, at least at some
point, end up with buyers who doesn't understand how things works.
People new to Seocheckout for instance. They ask you how they leave feedback &
where they give you information and all that.. Stay away because this is
time consuming and not worth it.
The coin is two-sided so in case you feel you have time for this, then proceed
since you'll never know if that specific buyer MIGHT be the one who'll place
multiple orders per day after that. You might stumble across the golden egg.. but
it's more likely you won't.
With all this being said, you should obviously try to help people and direct them to proper forum sections, to the support or to the FAQ section for information and answers to their questions etc. This will also help you to build up reputation and might lead to a good business relationship further on. Just remember to stay away from putting in unnecessary time answering hundreds of questions unrelated to your services or business. Time is key in this business and time is therefore also money.
Do you agree?
How do you deal with skeptic or struggling clients?
Best Regards,
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I stay polite and helpful throughout our discussions just because it could come back to bite me in the behind later on down the road. Always be nice, and it will possibly result in referrals and people talking nice about you online
When I'm looking for clients for my SEO company I ALWAYS get people contacting me and asking the basic questions that automatically set off red flags.
Red Flag Questions I Get:
1 - "Can you get me ranked in a few days?"
This shows that the potential client does not understand that SEO/Online Marketing is not an overnight type of service, rather than a branding game that takes a few months to see any results. If this client signs up they will most likely only be a client for 1 month since they won't see an instant ROI (return on investment). This client may even file a chargeback after the first 30 days because they think you're a scammer and selling them snake oil even though you did all the work and they just didn't understand what they were buying.
2 - "You're a search engine optimization company, can't you place me at #1 right now?"
This is one of the biggest red flag questions since the potential client is so eager to get to #1 and make millions that they want it right now. And when you don't show instant results, they will get upset and post everywhere that you're a scammer, even though you're not. Avoid these types of clients even if they agree to pay for your highest priced services. It's not worth the headaches and possibly charge backs (which are very likely).
3 - "Can you remove my clients website from the search results?"
This is the type of client that would rather focus on hurting someone elses website rather than help their own. Increasing the rankings of their own website would benefit them much more than hurting their competitors rankings. And there isn't even solid proof that running a negative SEO campaign will hurt your competitors rankings so much that they will be removed from the search results completely.
4 - "Can I pay you $XX a month instead of $XXX?"
This type of question isn't always from a bad client. This just shows that the client may be willing to pay you, but won't be able to for long. They have a limited budget and are hoping that your services will increase their rankings quick enough for them to recoup their payment, which isn't always the case. Now some of my services are $750+ and I get people asking if I can do a $75-$150 campaign for them. I usually agree to do it, but I take remove a lot of the work that is in my normal campaigns. I let the client know what I will be taking out and that by doing this they may not rank as quick and they definitely won't rank for as many keywords.
5 - "Can you rank me for all of my 500 keywords?"
I sure can! But most of the clients who ask this have asked other SEO companies the same question and they're just trying to find someone to take on 10 times the amount of work compared to what you normally would take on per campaign. Increasing my normal work load from 50 keywords to 500 for one campaign will guarantee that I don't make a single penny from this job. And if you're good at something, never do it for free ;)
Dealing with skeptic clients isn't always the case. People who sell on Seocheckout tend to have their services right to the point in the description. They let the buyer know how long it will take to finish the job, what they should expect in the report, if there is a guarantee, and many more things. I would assume that they only time someone would deal with a bad buyer is if they didn't provide a satisfactory job and the buyer want's a refund.
Razzy I deal with a lot of sceptic buyers every month :( I stay polite and helpful throughout our discussions just because it could come back to bite me in the behind later on down the road. Always be nice, and it will possibly result in referrals and people talking nice about you online :) When I'm looking for clients for my SEO company I ALWAYS get people contacting me and asking the basic questions that automatically set off red flags. [u][b][size=140]Red Flag Questions I Get:[/size][/b][/u] [b]1 - "Can you get me ranked in a few days?"[/b] This shows that the potential client does not understand that SEO/Online Marketing is not an overnight type of service, rather than a branding game that takes a few months to see any results. If this client signs up they will most likely only be a client for 1 month since they won't see an instant ROI (return on investment). This client may even file a chargeback after the first 30 days because they think you're a scammer and selling them snake oil even though you did all the work and they just didn't understand what they were buying. [b]2 - "You're a search engine optimization company, can't you place me at #1 right now?"[/b] This is one of the biggest red flag questions since the potential client is so eager to get to #1 and make millions that they want it right now. And when you don't show instant results, they will get upset and post everywhere that you're a scammer, even though you're not. Avoid these types of clients even if they agree to pay for your highest priced services. It's not worth the headaches and possibly charge backs (which are very likely). [b]3 - "Can you remove my clients website from the search results?"[/b] This is the type of client that would rather focus on hurting someone elses website rather than help their own. Increasing the rankings of their own website would benefit them much more than hurting their competitors rankings. And there isn't even solid proof that running a negative SEO campaign will hurt your competitors rankings so much that they will be removed from the search results completely. [b]4 - "Can I pay you $XX a month instead of $XXX?"[/b] This type of question isn't always from a bad client. This just shows that the client may be willing to pay you, but won't be able to for long. They have a limited budget and are hoping that your services will increase their rankings quick enough for them to recoup their payment, which isn't always the case. Now some of my services are $500+ and I get people asking if I can do a $50-$100 campaign for them. I usually agree to do it, but I take remove a lot of the work that is in my normal campaigns. I let the client know what I will be taking out and that by doing this they may not rank as quick and they definitely won't rank for as many keywords. [b]5 - "Can you rank me for all of my 500 keywords?"[/b] I sure can! But most of the clients who ask this have asked other SEO companies the same question and they're just trying to find someone to take on 10 times the amount of work compared to what you normally would take on per campaign. Increasing my normal work load from 50 keywords to 500 for one campaign will guarantee that I don't make a single penny from this job. And if you're good at something, never do it for free ;) Dealing with skeptic clients isn't always the case. People who sell on SeoClerks tend to have their services right to the point in the description. They let the buyer know how long it will take to finish the job, what they should expect in the report, if there is a guarantee, and many more things. I would assume that they only time someone would deal with a bad buyer is if they didn't provide a satisfactory job and the buyer want's a refund. Thanks, Razzy
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