
To learn or to hire?

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To learn or to hire?

Is it best to learn about SEO and then create your site? Or should you just hire someone to do it for you if you know nothing about it? Were you ever in this predicament?


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Well, you need to learn before you hire. You can hire someone for a job you have no idea about, you will clearly lose money this way. So if you have the budget learn SEO yourself first and then start hiring people.

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On the contrary not all freelancers are out to dupe you of money. I’m sure you can find a freelancer that you can hire to do the SEO work for you even if you have zero knowledge. Instead of scamming you the freelancer may even offer you extra information so that you learn in the process while he is working on your site. It may be an on the job training for you or for your assistant.

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Learning is more good

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I think it depends if you have enough money,then i think you don't need to learn seo,Just hire a reputable seo company and the rest will be done by the company.

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ll depends, if you have enough money and no time then hire an expert..
But if you got no cash and have lot of time then do your self!

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You need to learn if you have more websites, if not just buy seo services and the the experts do their job !

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The key is to learn what to do first. After you have a solid foundation of how things work, try doing it yourself. Once you're unsatisfied and you start to doubt yourself, then hire an SEO. You will get your money's worth, it's better than doing hundreds of repetitive trial and errors. When in doubt, call them out To learn or to hire?

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Ig you have a website, the work related to search engine optimization never stops. SEO is actually a continuous process. You have to return to your website time and again to optimize your website and content for a search engine. If you do not know SEO methods and you are relying on an SEO expert, hiring him to work on your website frequently become a financial burden. It is better to learn SEO. In fact, SEO is not very hard to master.

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SEO work for your website is a chore that you regularly do. If you have not time for that then you might as well hire someone to do it for you. However, when it comes to learning SEO methods, I guess you have no choice but to learn it even if you will not be doing it yourself. It’s wrong to have someone do the work for you without even knowing how it is really done. You will be susceptible to being scammed.

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