
What is the best way to collect all backlinks?

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What is the best way to collect all backlinks?

I want to collect all the backlinks to my site to go through and discover the bad ones. Google Webmaster tools/console only has a small portion. What is the best method to obtain all backlinks of my site for review?


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You'll have to use multiple sources, not just one. Google webmaster tools only has the latest ones found and is not a complete reference. I'd suggest signing up for several link crawling companies and combining all of their links together. Here are some:

And any others you can find. Use the list from GWTs as well. 

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Hi there,

Like said above Majestic, Ahrefs, and Moz are defnitely the top dogs in this field.

Here are a few that aren't as well known:

Both of these are free to a certain point just like Majestic, Ahrefs and Moz. But if you have under 1,000 links then these will be a great addition to your webmaster toolbox What is the best way to collect all backlinks?



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I think I will have a headache in gathering all the backlinks of a site. What if there are thousands of backlinks that you have scattered in the legal way, how can you evaluate each and every one of those backlinks? By the way, how do you remove a bad backlink that is posted on a site?

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