
Will Editing a service remove the "FEATURED" feature??

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Will Editing a service remove the "FEATURED" feature??

If we have paid the $75 to have our Gig "Featured", is it ok to Edit it without losing the "Featured" feature?

Even if we choose a different Category for our Gig?

Thanks for your help!


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Yes, that is perfectly fine. The Featured is set to the actual gig and each gig has a unique ID, that being a number so any edits to the actual contents will not effect anything.

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Even I had the same fear initially but found it out myself that editing doesnt affect anything at all.

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Yeah, I figured it was identified per it's Unique Gig Number (the five-digit number after the Category in the URL), but since the Number comes AFTER the Category in the URL, I wasn't sure.

Thanks for your help!!

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