
Why sellers sometimes do not respond to buyer questions?

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Why sellers sometimes do not respond to buyer questions?

Why sellers sometimes do not respond to buyer questions? Due to busy, or the seller's existence is not clear where? Experience I perform in order seocheckout, mostly delayed, late deliveries. When I ask if all is fine there is no response.


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They are bad sellers. I suggest canceling if the seller is not responding. You can do this by clicking on "Got Problems?" in the order URL and selecting the middle option. If they do not want to lose the order, they will respond.

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Yeah, the only solution was that. While waiting for the money we paid will returned. But I mean, is it possible Seocheckout create a mechanism that is more stringent. For example by looking at the log data from the seller. When the seller is online? Lest, when there is an order, seller has not even been online since three months ago ...

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they didnt chech the inbox i guess.

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May be his internet got DC for few days or got a computer hardware error.
Generally sellers do reply unless he/she is extremely busy Why sellers sometimes do not respond to buyer questions?

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when they are busy

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