
How to hire a freelancer directly?

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How to hire a freelancer directly?

I am not sure is it a simple question that has been answered, or every one knows it already, just I couldn't find the answer directly.

If I find a freelancer in here, contacting him/her directly, agree on the work and amount of the payment, how can I hire the freelancer for the job?

I know I can create a WTB post or the freelancer can create a gig to sell the service, just it makes other freelancers to bid the job but actually I have a freelancer in my mind then waste everyone's time for bidding, or take freelancer's time to create a gig to serve my need (and may have to reveal the details of my project)

Is there any way to do that?

Thank you.


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You can ask the freelancer to make special gig for you.
Make the gig fast, order fast, then ask the freelancer to delete or mark the gig as sold
So only you buy the gig

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Whenever you hire a freelancer on Seocheckout the most common way would be by purchasing their services from the marketplace. Another option would be what you already mentioned, the WTB section. You can also contact the seller directly, using the inbox, in case you have a proposition for them. If you agree on a custom, special order for you, then the seller will have to create a new service listing with the price tag you've agreed on. When that is done, you'll order that service and enter the necessary details for the seller to start working on your order. After that it's just like any other order you order. You wait until the seller has delivered the service and when the service has been delivered you're able to leave feedback.

Best Regards,

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