
How to marketing my service ?

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How to marketing my service ?

Hi all we are creating many services and sometimes we create more quality gigs. And we are waiting for orders. But when we create gig we hope to sell services a few times but alas! After a month we are notified that we are not selling any service which I give it 100% to.

It destroys our mind to work and upset to jobs. Its occur that maybe level 1, 2 seller.

After all that have any idea? How to market my services? How to get more orders?



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Submit your gigs to social networking sites and social bookmarkig sites to get more orders. Seocheckout also offer you this facility. you can easily submit to these sites without any hesitation

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Advertise your services on 3rd party sites, make sure to get ratings from your customers so you get more sales, offer bonuses and discounts to increase sales. This is generally what I do to get more sales.

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