
What is the social bookmarking?

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What is the social bookmarking?

I am semsarwar. I am a new member of seocheckout. I have a problem. The problem is what is social bookmarking? It is a very big problem for me. Please answer me every body and every where of any way. I want know soon time. because I am really very sorry for this problems. Thanks.


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Social bookmarking is a social experience where users save your link or URL they also do some annotations with your URL. It is believed that the more bookmarks you have the better your website will do.

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Social media consists of two platforms, social networking and social bookmarking. On social networking, you will socialize with people, and on social bookmarking, you will socialize with contents. Social bookmarking sites serve as a content curation platform where you can find contents on various topics created or shared by the users. On social bookmarking sites, you can also engage on a healthy discussion and all the while generating traffic for your product, service, and websites.

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I had read in one discussion that Pinterest is a social bookmarking site. It is a social media network where you can post using a pin that’s why it is called Pinterest maybe to mean that you are pinning your interest on the board. Perhaps Instagram can also be considered a social bookmarking site? It’s not very clear to me. Anyway, back to Pinterest, you can re-pin other posts there just like a what you do with a tweet. And by spreading your link in Pinterest, there is the probability that users there will click on the link of your website.

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