
How to apply coupon to any gig?

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How to apply coupon to any gig?


Currently i know how to apply coupon to any gig, but some of my clients don't know how to apply a coupon on any specific gig, That is why i am putting this question here and want any body to tell how to apply coupon on any specific service.

This is my gig, Coupon is mentioned in gig, if you can please do it in my gig! How to apply coupon to any gig?

PS: I will put link of this question on my gig to.


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Hi Paymentsofme,

Hope this tutorial helpful for your clients and for anyone How to apply coupon to any gig?

1. click "order now"
How to apply coupon to any gig?

2. Enter coupon code and Click Apply

How to apply coupon to any gig?

3. Automatically you will see amount to pay after discount and Click Payment Option

How to apply coupon to any gig?


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This is the best tutorial ,Thanks alot friend, This exactly what I was looking for, the pictures and instructions awesome, So nice of you!!

Thanks alot once again
paymentsof me

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When you press the "Order Now" button, in the top of the payment page you're redirected to, you will be able to add a coupon code that will give them the desired discount. How to apply coupon to any gig?

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When you press the "Order Now" button, in the top of the payment page you're redirected to, you will be able to add a coupon code that will give them the desired discount.

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Once you pressed "Order Now" button, in the following page you will find a blank space on top of the page. Just copy the code of your coupon and click apply

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open service that you want to buy, press order now button, on the top of page you will see a blank space, just enter your coupon code on this blank space.

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