
When will be updated the pagerank by Google?

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When will be updated the pagerank by Google?

More than 6 months ago Google last updated the page rank status of the websites. Would you please tell me when will be the probable times of next update? Also what would be the next after Penguin? Please inform if anybody know the issue. Thanks you very much for your attention.


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Hi rajdwip,

if you asking about google pagerank update, everyone will answer you "NO ONE KNOWS" When will be updated the pagerank by Google?

sometimes per 3 months, sometimes per 4 months, there's no exactly google pagerank update period, and google never tell us when google pagerank will get update.
thats what i mean, no ONE knows When will be updated the pagerank by Google?

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Only Google knows better; I'm also waiting with 2 of my blogs since long days. May be Google trying to include more factors and matters those are effective on PR up/down. Thats why they are taking long times.

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Google checks each and every site nearly in three months and if your site is doing well that if you are getting good traffic and if most of them are organic then they increase you page rank else if your site is in poor condition they usually down grade you site's rank.

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Google updates their page ranks 3 to 4 times in a years but in the year 2013 till Google only updates page rank only a single time. And anyone does not know when it will be happen in next.

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