
Have you ever been block on Facebook before?

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Have you ever been block on Facebook before?

Lets say you're on Facebook and you're on a certain FB page that you like, once you're trying to type something on that page or any FB page, you get a message saying (You can't use this feature right, you've been block from using this feature because you made posts on Facebook Pages that have been reported as spam), does that mean the block is only temporary or are you block forever?

If it's temporary, how long will it last?


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They tell you how long it lasts, they always include how many days you are banned. Usually its from 24h to 14 days. You usually get banned if you send to many friend requests and they dont get accepted. Did you send too many requests?

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It's a temporary block. You probably liked too many stuff in a short period of time. They consider it as a spam or using some kind of bots or disallowed activity. You can use that feature again after a period of time.

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do not share services such as fb likes, followers on facebook, if some one report your entire page ,profile will banned, my profle completely banned by fb , they are too strict!

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My husband’s Facebook Group for their grade school alumni have been seeing spam posts once in a while. That member who posted the spam is blocked for a certain period like 30 days. But the blocking can also be permanent. I guess it is only right to block spammers in Facebook Page and Facebook Groups because it is annoying when you post something that is not relevant to the niche.

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Yes I have on a lot of groups in the past. There was a time when I would comment a lot on posts which I'm in disagreement with, but the poster would get all fired up and would start a debate then I get banned. Since most of the time the poster is the admin or a mod of the group.

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