
Why people always looking for traffic and link building services ?

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Why people always looking for traffic and link building services ?

I have seen many people who is always looking for link building and traffic providing services ?? Why they are looking?


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Because the right traffic can help you to push your keywords in search engines and to raise the alexa ranking ;)

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Backlinks is the most important factor of your websites off-site SEO and any serious website/company should get a lot of quality links to increase their SERP's in Google.

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Because backlinks boost more traffic can help you to push your keywords in search engines ect

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Traffic = Money.  If you aren't trying to get more traffic to your website you probably shouldn't be in business.  Why people always looking for traffic and link building services ?

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I hope this does help you a bit
Quite simple actually they want traffic and links built, they cant afford peoples WTS's so they create a WTB so they get dodgy links and views (usually automated)

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I think link building services are made for the SEO purpose. So the way they can get more links from reputed and good sources. They can make some good money. In case if they want to traffic for the customers. In such case they are sharing the links through the traffic sources. I am sure you have heard that traffic purpose can be good that way as well. In due time it is possible to have some decent traffic to the pages if done correctly.

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Traffic is the number of visitors to the website and most websites now are monetized based on traffic. That means traffic is equated to the earnings of the website. That is the main reason why website owners are concerned with the traffic of their website because the more traffic that the website gets, the more earnings. As simple as that. With the backlinks, that means a user had clicked on the link that of the website that was posted in another site. That click also effects traffic to the website.

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