
Why Can Members Bid Higher Than The Maximum Bid Amount in WTB?

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Why Can Members Bid Higher Than The Maximum Bid Amount in WTB?

Why is it that when the Maximum Bid amount is set on a Want To Buy, bidders can still bid more?


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I've noticed this too, it may be a programming issue? There were never any updates regarding the maximum bid change if there ever was any. I remember when you could only bid the amount the maximum bid was, and lower.

I just checked a couple of WTB services, and I saw a lot of users bidding more than the maximum bid amount, not sure why but you may want to contact an administrator to either report this error[?] or get more information as to why this is happening.

Kind Regards,

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Although Seocheckout advises against bidding above the max bid, they still allow it for some reason.  Interesting question.

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yeah, think it must be an error or something Why Can Members Bid Higher Than The Maximum Bid Amount in WTB? Hopefully it will get sorted, it is quite annoying when putting a max bid of lets say $4, then most of the bids are over that Why Can Members Bid Higher Than The Maximum Bid Amount in WTB?

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It is not an error but an feature. Some buyers set very low rates as bid-max-rate and due to this reason they often tend to get low number of bids / low quality bids.
To encourage freelancers to suggest a right price to the buyer Seocheckout allows bidding higher. Remember its the buyers' choice to select or not to.

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