
How do you get more inbound links and link juice for SEO?

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How do you get more inbound links and link juice for SEO?

How do you get more inbound links and link juice for SEO?


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The best strategy (and Google approved) is to write and publish appealing content. The content will function as bait (link bait) for other webmasters to link to your website.

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 Google interprets ALL links as votes. Some are your own internal votes .about what pages are important... Others are external votes. Both are important - but it is really backlinks that shine, and make a huge difference. Bottom line: solicit links!

and i think you need to use google
becuase you have a lots of unncessory question

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Here are some of the techniques I use
Develop unique and original contents. Search engines give preference for unique and original contents. Webmasters are also very likely to link your website if you publish unique and original contents
Use primary and secondary keywords in your content
Share your links on social media and generate social signals
Use your website urls as a forum signature
participate in link exchange with the webmasters having websites on the similar niches

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