
META DESCRIPTION vs. META KEWYORDS tag - what is the difference, in terms of SEO?

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META DESCRIPTION vs. META KEWYORDS tag - what is the difference, in terms of SEO?

META DESCRIPTION vs. META KEWYORDS tag - what is the difference, in terms of SEO?


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Meta description and meta keywords- both are necessary for white hat SEO programming area. Meta keywords is necessary because worldwide people search on Google or another search engine by keyword. Like football is a keyword. People like to search on search engine by writing this keyword- Football. If you add Football keyword on your website than you will get football lover visitors on your website from search engine. In a ratio- search engine generate traffic 85% by meta keywords. If you add high volume keywords to your website meta keywords section- than you will get huge traffic.

Meta description is a method where we see on search engine result page that every website address show a small description. The description is highly keyword related description. This description is called meta description because the worldwide search engine show the result with meta description.


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meta description is the description you use for your website or your content. Meta keywords are the keywords you use to tell search engines about the topic of your content or website. Meta description and meta keywords both are important for SEO. YOur meta description should also contain 3-4 keywords. Search engines take reference from meta description and meta keywords to find your content.

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You have not needed meta keywords for a few years now. Google and the other major search engines disregard them and focus specificity on your content. The meta description is currently little more than your suggested description of how your content should appear on results pages. The search engines may use it or may not. That said, it is more good marketing than good SEO. There are many examples of pages ranking well without meta descriptions. But, a good meta description, on a search results page, can attract more click-throughs.

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