
what are they ways to promote a new gig?

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what are they ways to promote a new gig?

Hi guys, I posted my first gig but no one noticed it / clicked on it...
What are the best ways to promote my gig so people will notice and buy it?

Thanks in advance


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Thats  good question,

Listen here is one small trick ...But before you know about it you must understand basics of marketing ...

Marketing Basics or you can say effective initiations .. 

a- Marketing will be effective and result oriented if you market on right place and for right people .
[ Tips- If You are selling Instagram services   then You must try to market on instagram in natural ways no need to do spammy stuffs ]

b-Lesser prices and Higher Quality always attracts people ..  try it believe me it works   

c- fast services and fast responses .. No one has time to wait for you so you need to be faster to get opportunnities .. 

d- relievable approach ..  and many more ..  

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best way to promote.. try to using traffic gigs..
from traffics gigs many people are visit and get back to your gigs

else you can contact to jordan he'll offer you some of gigs to promopte your service..

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you can sell your gigs for cheap second you can promote your gig by featuring which will cost and get staff to select it showing your worthy of being a success on this website

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i think the best way is  promote your gigs social marketing network as facebook,twitter

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you can promote your gig to social site. it will take much traffic to your services

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I have a Seocheckout gig boosting service for 5$ take a look

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