
How to submit one website to 200-500 social bookmarks automatically?

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How to submit one website to 200-500 social bookmarks automatically?

What script/bot can I use to submit one website to 200-500 social bookmarks or social backlinks automatically?
I can pay max $15. Thanks


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Two free sites for you there.

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I have never heard about these websites. Do you have first hand experience of these websites? Do these website deliever good results.
I have tried Hootsuite. The free version of hootsuit allows you to submit upto three social mediat sites. The paid version allows you to automatically share on up to 35 social media sites.
How many social media sites are allowed in these social book marking services?

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Two free sites for you there. How to submit one website to 200-500 social bookmarks automatically?

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You can use our services.............  if you are willing to pay 10$ surely i will submit your 2-3 site to 200-500 social bookmarking site each

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I believe you can use Hootsuite maybe the paid version since it a premium offer,it will be more useful to you of better still make use of the freelancers on seocheckout or other freelancing sites.

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