
New Feature: Custom Payment Tutorial Support

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New Feature: Custom Payment

At seocheckout, we value our customers' feedback. Ever since we allowed sellers to add their own payment methods, we get requests every day to add new payment methods. We have decided to make a new feature where users can add any payment method they want using our custom payment method.

Adding a Custom Payment
Users can go to our payment method page and click on the custom payment dropdown. Once there, you can add a custom payment method and instructions for the buyer.

New Feature: Custom Payment

Accepting a Custom Payment
Once a custom payment order is placed by a buyer, a seller's job is to verify that there’s an actual payment made to their payment method. Once verified, the seller can go to the order and press the "start order" button. The seller may also cancel the order if they believe the buyer has entered an incorrect amount or has done something incorrectly. The order will start automatically if the seller does not verify the order within 24 hours.

New Feature: Custom Payment

Paying Using a Custom Payment
Buyers on the order screen will now be greeted with a new custom payment if added by the seller. They can click on the new custom payment button and will be shown a popup with instructions from the seller. Once they follow these instructions, they will be taken to a thank you page where they will wait for the seller to verify. If the seller does not verify within 24 hours, the order will start and email the buyer.

New Feature: Custom Payment


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OK i tried this feature, but i was really hopping that we can add multiple custom payment methods, which would be really TOP feature to satisfy all needs

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you can setup one custom payments option and instruction all payments in single setup
it's easy to use

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Yeah, actually good idea! Just curios what would i name it to not confuse customers because name show up on payment button, but could be for example PalPal / Zelle / Stripe .... Yeah, thanks for suggestion

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simple give title all payments
and instruction every payments details

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That could work! We hadn't thought of this.

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Thanks, ionicware
I have experience in Seocheckout last 7 years so i know every think about Seocheckout because i use only this freelancer site for my income source.

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Is it possible to add the'' PayPal Custom payment button to my Seocheckout " by button code?

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Thanks for the feedback! Multiple custom payment methods are being added in our next update. Hopefully in the next week or two.

We also discussed having custom payment methods per service so that users could create payment links for each service, but it did not make it to our development list. We are open to ideas and suggestions regarding this and how we can make it work.

In addition to multiple custom payments, we are going to associate colors (and possibly icons) with known payment methods. What else would you like to have available?

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WOW, this is nice step forward! Thanks!!! Actually multiple custom payments feature could replace most of these we had so far.

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Thank you for the feedback! This might be a future update ;)

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How Seocheckout will be able to track if payment was made or not? For example if buyer will pay but seller will say that payment was not received. Is there any protection for buyers using this custom payment method?

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That is an excellent question! Verifying the payment was received is the seller's responsibility. If there's an issue where a buyer truly paid and the seller said that they didn't receive it, staff will have to step in and verify. This would be case-by-case protection for buyers and sellers.

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yes staff will help you the buyer when buyer truly paid and the seller said that they didn't receive, then staff is here,

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this is good question

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Good questin, but buyers are also protected at the payment processor company and could request refund

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This is very good option but can i add PayPal payments method on this custom payments method,
Or can i add any other site link that buyer pay and tell here with a verify transaction ID or code ,

for example if i add custom order payments method (fiverr) and add instruction to buyer what they do, once buyer done then we start order here ,

this custom payments method seller can pay the fees for every order or it's free ?
kindly reply me

Thank you

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Hi socialshare,

Those are good questions! You can add any payment method you would like on your end for the seller, like PayPal, Zelle, or Payoneer. Once they pay you via one of those methods, you can start the order.

As for fees, it's like all the other payment methods we have. We charge a fee of 10% for each order.

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Thank you so much for the great work , it's good way to deal with clients and it's benefit for all

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can I add Payoneer to the custom payment method?

( Which custom payment method is available from Bangladesh? )

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every payments method you can add, payoneer paypal skrill or bitcoin or other payments method, even you can add your coutnry payments method also every payments method allowed, see my question above and support replied

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Thank you for this feature.

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We all liked this feature very much, we hope that you will keep bringing such features.

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Bring payment options like UPI and Paytm to India

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every payments method you can add, payoneer paypal skrill or bitcoin or other payments method, even you can add your coutnry payments method also every payments method allowed, see my question above and support replied 0

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Very nice feature. Hope now all sellers will be satisfied. And also hope that we will not have further problems to use PayPal because this will be more like receiving gift payment from customers.
Also now come to idea to try "Pay by SMS" where seller receive money to their phone account. But i guess it would need "settings per service" as i would do it for services over $150 LOL ;)

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This is a very good decision for Bangladesh and Pakistani sellers.

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seocheckout team has come up with a very good feature.

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Is it possible to add the'' PayPal Custom payment button to my Seocheckout " by button code?

New Feature: Custom Payment

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This is a awesome feature.
I believe there should be need an additional field like what custom payment processor selelrs are using Like paypal, bitcoin, payoneer, paylution, hyperwallet or any others. When buyer over look any slaes or order than he will easy eye catch about the payment processor name directly. In this way buyer will get some more facility for the known payment processor and selelrs also about the geo location based.,

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Great features. Hope this helps everyone.

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Thank you for this feature. seocheckout

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how long it will take to transfer money from the buyer to the seller account in a custom payment method? then we need to uncheck Use Seocheckout payment method credentials.?

if want to receive money through airtm , all I need to add airtm email.? same for payoneer

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OK, i tested this new payment method and made first sale with "Custom Payment" but there is a PROBLEM. I did NOT receive payment, but Seocheckout automatically added service fee of 10% to my account. I rejected order and it's listed under cancelled orders, but i still owe to pay FEE of 10% for this sale!!!

I submitted support ticket for this matter to remove this fee, but we can't go like this every single time, so i am not sure if this new feature will be real success. Many of us know that here is MANY people who trying to cheat system and get something for nothing New Feature: Custom Payment

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this is new feature is not going to success because every new buyer can try to cheat with a seller ,so how a seller can give fee for every cancelled order so i request to admin please change this new feature and update this one,

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Probably service fee should be added when order is marked "Delivered" and / or it should automatically remove fees on order cancellation

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yes that is the good solution so you can create a ticket to tell support this awesome option

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does this problem solved?? i came back after 6 months and just reading this in community

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Thank you for this unique feature.

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Very good features. Thanks, seocheckoutNew Feature: Custom Payment

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Thanks For Great information
Can i use BTC USDT wallet addres?
Please guide me

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