
How do I submit my site to The Open Directory (DMOZ)?

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How do I submit my site to The Open Directory (DMOZ)?

How do I submit my site to The Open Directory (DMOZ)


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Below are the steps you can go through:

1> Visit the DMOZ directory website
2> Review the top-level categories and click on the most appropriate category to fit the website that you will be submitting.
3> Choose a subcategory, which are located below the alphabet links in the top center of the page.
4> Continue to choose subcategories until you are at the lowest possible category.
5> Click suggest URL which is the third link from the left in the gray bar of links at the top of the webpage.
6> Read the guidelines and rules thoroughly that are on the website submission page.
7>Fill out the submission information so that it is complete while following all of the submission guidelines. Be sure to also include your email address and user verification.
8> Read the Submission Agreement and once complete and you agree with it, press submit.
9> Wait for the website to be indexed.

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You can recruit a SEO person here and he would do it for you, if you find it difficult. Otherwise the above person's steps are perfect to submit.

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first post great tutorial i think question should be marked as answered now

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Posting content with advantage for visitor  (good and advantage content)

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