
How do you reject a late delivery service?

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How do you reject a late delivery service?


How do you reject a late delivery service? it says late delivery but no button come up for rejection.


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you have a botton say got problem click on it and you will be able to cancel the order

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at the of the bottom of the order click got problems and cancel the order if you wont think he will deliver cancel

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it just says that your order is about to be late. reject at that time but it has already been late by a day.

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Just click got problems button then you select you and seller
cancel the order by mutual understand.Then it will cancel
auto cancel within 2 days if seller don't cancel your request.

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If you want to reject  your order then
  1.  click on got problem
  2. cancel the order by mutual understand
  3. then it will cancel order within 2-3 days if seller don't cancel your request.

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it just says that your order is about to be late. reject at that time but it has already been late by a day.

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Click got problem  then you can posting late delivery for the reason.

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when you open your order page you see a button [Got problem] click on this button and select mutual cancellation.
your order will be cancel within 2 or 3 days if seller don't respond you.

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to cancel or reject your order u need to click on 'got problem' which is at the bottom of the project
then ask for mutual concellation,,if accepted order will be reject in 2-3 days

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tis so easy
frs tclick on got problem

then cancel the order by mutual understand

then it will cancel order within 2-3 days if seller don't cancel your request.

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