
Buyer choose negative thumb for not cancel order?

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Buyer choose negative thumb for not cancel order?

The buyer has rejected my order becuase he think , the order is not complete. And when the order is completed ,he said ,please cancel this order. I have reply , its too late. And i have not cancel his order. And he choose "negative thumb".

What you think, Seocheckout will remove thumb or give me a same reason.
"This is our policy we can not remove buyer comment etc"


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Buyer choose negative thumb for not cancel order?


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Ask him/her why they think the order is not complete. Try to communicate with the buyer to help resolve it. 

If Seocheckout has said "This is our policy we can not remove buyer comment etc", than there is nothing you can do. If anything, explain to other buyers what the problem was that caused the negative rating.

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