
Updates for January 12th, 2022 Support

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Updates for January 12th, 2022

Block Users
Many users have asked for the ability to block spam messages or to prevent certain users from messaging and ordering from them. We have now enabled this feature for you. Now, going to the user inbox, you can block them. This will prevent them from messaging and from ordering from you. Any user you ban can still respond to open orders, however, they will not be able to reorder from you or message you.

Updates for January 12th, 2022

Dark Theme
Experience is a big part on this site, and we wanted to make the site even better. We are introducing the dark theme on seocheckout. Now, if you go to the profile dropdown in the top right corner, you will see a dark theme dropdown. Switch this on to enable dark theme mode. Now you can enable this feature to help your eyes at night or just leave it on to have a brand new experience with seocheckout.

Updates for January 12th, 2022

Please leave some suggestions or report any issues you may be facing with this update. We appreciate the feedback!


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Thanks for updating,

Please activate the credit card

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Thanks for updating,

Please add these Options on seocheckout
1- Paypal Payments Method
2- Free Boost

Thank you
regards socialshare

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Please kindly active credit card payment option.No order from few month .

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Please activate the credit card

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