
how can i recive more order from Seocheckout?

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how can i recive more order from Seocheckout?

how can i make order in Seocheckout . you can konw then tell me.


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Submit your service to Seocheckout new Blog to have it Featured there. They are featuring a few different types of services such as $3 Dollar Gigs, Discounted services (or services with Coupon Codes), and they also hand-pick one to Feature each Week:

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If you create excellent gig and attract the buyer.Then you received more and more order from seocheckout,
another method bellow :
1. Feature your gig
2. Highlight your gig
3. Edit your gig every week

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You can feature your gig or you repost your service every 8 days at reasonalble prices

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you can increase sell by few steps.
1. write quality and quantity service.
2. Include clear idea what service do you want to serve for buyer
3. Create service which you specially know
4. Update your gig once in week
5. Include other gig in your best rated service
6. Add  more service as gig extra
7. Inform to buyer in delivery report about your other related service
8. Take featured service by jordan
9. Promote your profile link to other Good PR sites

Hope it will help you to get more orders

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yeah create an excellent gig on demand
feature you gig
edit your gig for every 7 days
describe your service

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Answer questions that customer ask!
Its simple, keep customers updated. If you cannot complete a GIG tell them.
Offering 2 % discount for non published work is no good. Most sellers offer 100% which mae customers use them.

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