
How can I know how many order in queue of a seller?

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How can I know how many order in queue of a seller?

I want to know how many order in queue of a seller before I buy from him.
Is there anyway?


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Hi there,
You can see how many orders a seller has in queue by viewing the service page and look to the left of the service description. You will also be able to see the amount of late deliveries the seller has for that specific service. On that same page you'll also be able to see the amount of feedbacks and recommendations they have. As seen below:

How can I know how many order in queue of a seller?

Please note that you should contact the seller before placing orders in case you're afraid of late deliveries. Late deliveries doesn't necessarily mean that the seller have failed to deliver in time. It might be because of changes within the work, between the seller and buyer, which we cannot see.

Best Regards,

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This is a feature which is not available in seocheckout, if you feel this feature can help Seocheckout community then you can recommend it to moderator via support. My personal view is we don't have a need of this feature because seller has mentioned time for the completion of job, if he or she does not complete his job on time then buyer have option to cancel the order.


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Yes its has to be Added in seocheckout, because its very beneficial for any buyer

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Hi, it already out there, for seller
Just check out at

"order in queue" count is available next to "Active sales"
Once the gig is completed, Successful gig count is available next to "Complete Sales"

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