
How to passive Feature Gigs?

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How to passive Feature Gigs?

How To Feature Gig? Minimum Price of Feature gig and how mouch time stay my gig.


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Right Now there are two types of features.
1) Random:-
Recently Price raised up..It is now $150.But it is random.It shows up every 10 min..
Recently price raised up to $300..It shows permanently in first page..
The life time of a feature gig is 31.5 Days Exactly..its a will be done Automatically
Good Luck

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just open gig you want to feature.. and click option "featured your gigs"
few days ago, the price is $115.. but right now increase to $150
maybe this happen because this service is have high demand..

So, you still wanna try? high demand if possibly by the worth of price with what you will get...

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