
What to do get level 4?

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What to do get level 4?

How to get 50 unique affiliate sales to become level 4? AND What is mean by this line: "You must be an affiliate"


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You can learn more about our userlevel requirements here:

(S = Seller, B - Buyer, A = Affiliate)

  • SBA You must be an affiliate
  • SBA Completed 100 Orders/Purchases
  • SBA Have no Infractions (follow the rules)
  • SBA Login Very Often (once per 7 days)
  • SB Must have 50 unique affiliate sales
  • SB Have a 95% rating or higher
  • S 48 Hour or less response time
One of the most important requirements for achieving userlevel 4, 'Must have 50 unique affiliate sales' which means you must have 1 sale from each of fifty affiliates. An affiliate is someone that joins (or any of our affiliated marketplaces) via your affiliate link.
If you have not done so already, you should start recruiting affiliates and/or sharing your affiliate link with friends and family and anyone who might want high quality social media or search engine optimization services.

You can find your affiliate link and other tools here:

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Woah, bring 50 such people and making 1 sale from each probably is very difficult. If I had such contacts, my freelancing game would have been very different. Is there a different way to do this?

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I have the same question

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