
How to Get More Free Boost

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How to Get More Free Boost

Anyone has a good IDEA how can I get the FREE BOOSTS so I can boost my NEW gigs daily?

But I am talking about a lot of FREE BOOSTS.

For instance we are allowed to boost only 6 services every 12 hours so that means I need 12 FREE BOOSTS EVERY DAY.

So How Can I get 12 FREE BOOSTS Every Day Without paying for the paid boosts?

All the best


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Have you tried all?

Earn one free boost per day for logging in (1 per account and all linked)

Complete an order on time (2 per day)

Generate an affiliate sale for $10 or more (2 per day)

Generate a service sale for $10 or more (2 per day)

Create/ask a new topic/question in the FAQ (2 per day)

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Thank you my friend but I thought there was more ways then the ones listed above.

Anyways thanks All the Best

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As has been pointed out 9 free boosts per day (assuming you complete all the activities including starting discussions). Though you still have the option for paid boosts. Though I'm assuming you were not interested in that as you specified free boosts.

There are other ways than just boosts to get your services seen.

You can place a link to all your services on each service page. So for instance, if you offer six services, then you would post five links on each service page linking out to the other services, In that way, you are giving all your services exposure at the same time, so even services not being boosted are being 'seen' by buyers viewing the boosted service.

Don't forget to make use of your status update.

Bid on WTB/Jobs daily. Then contact the buyer to let them know what you have to offer. Even if they don't accept your bid, you will likely make a sale for one of the services.

Make sure your bid is public so that anyone not just that buyer can accept.

Keep in mind that many sellers are also resellers, meaning they may be looking for a 'reseller deal'. Put a note about that on your service (if available) to indicate bulk purchases give more.

Follow up with all buyers after the sale via private message to ensure they are happy with the purchase and in this way, you can let them know you are always available for future needs.

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Thank you so much Beverly.

You are always so much helpful.


Yes I will try all of these to try and land more sales which would be really awesome.

I will also try and build my own fb page and pinterest profile NesimSEO to try and land some sales that way as well.

thank you once again and God bless you.


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How can I get use of that WTB Jobs daily?

Can you explain to me exactly what I need to do in order for it to work and I am on it right away BEVERLY.

Thanks in advance

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