
How can I get minutes played on SoundCloud and MixCloud?

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How can I get minutes played on SoundCloud and MixCloud?

Can anyone advise me on how to gain minutes played on SoundCloud and MixCloud?

Giving advise would be great or I can pay for the service. 


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There are some services for this, but you need to consider social and organic plays first. The best way to get listens is to become active not just on the site where you are publishing your music but also other places where music fans congregate.

There are a lot of ways to stimulate interest in your SoundCloud/MixCloud songs. For instance, you can join Facebook groups where they allow sharing of songs.

You may ask local/internet radio DJ's to play your song or recommend to their listeners.

Use Mixcloud widgets posted on your social media and blog to get further exposure.

Get involved in the MixCloud and SoundCloud community. Listen to, comment on and critique others who are posting there too and ask them to do the same for you.

Ask to collaborate with other musicians and artists to in create your audience to theirs.

Contact music blogs and ask for a review, linking to your MixCloud or SoundCloud profile.

Get active on Twitter, where you can speak to other artists and fans alike and post about your music as it become available.

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I know the game, my content is good. I'm just building a presence..... Most of it is smoke and mirrors.

The only people making money are those selling the smoke. I know how it works.

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I don't know about that. You're a real DJ. Why would you need fake fans/followers/plays?

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