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Recently I brought 10 paid boost at 5 USD. Already I used 4 and now 6 are available. I don't understand is it working or not. Because I have no new order. Is there anyone here who have Good experience? I want to know , Which time (international time) I should boost ? Because I want to know when clients visit Seocheckout to hire new freelancer. ? Hope I can get better idea from the experts. Thanks
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How Bumps Work
bumps are used to bump your service to the top of the home page and category listings. bumps also have additional benefits over free bumps.
How To Get Free Boosts
Earn Free BoostsEarn one free boost per day for logging in (1 per account and all linked)
Complete an order on time (2 per day)
Generate an affiliate sale for $10 or more (2 per day)
Generate a service sale for $10 or more (2 per day)
Create/ask a new topic/question in the FAQ (2 per day Boost Your Service Daily With Free Boost How Bumps Work bumps are used to bump your service to the top of the home page and category listings. bumps also have additional benefits over free bumps. How To Get Free Boosts Earn Free BoostsEarn one free boost per day for logging in (1 per account and all linked) Complete an order on time (2 per day) Generate an affiliate sale for $5 or more (2 per day) Generate a service sale for $5 or more (2 per day) Create/ask a new topic/question in the FAQ (2 per day
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