
Wellness Check-in - CoronaVirus, COVID 19

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Wellness Check-in - CoronaVirus, COVID 19

Hey to all the seocheckout/Ionicware Community, buyers and sellers. Just wanted to do an informal wellness check-in to see how it's going in your area with the COVID-19, CoronaVirus epidemic. How is this impacting your life, business, family? Please feel free to share.

I'm including some useful links for anyone not up to speed on the outbreak, also some information on staying healthy. We depend on you all to keep our Community alive. Please take care of yourself and family, be healthy, be safe. Best wishes to you all.

courtesy of:

Older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. Please consult with your health care provider about additional steps you may be able to take to protect yourself.

Know How it Spreads

  • There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
  • The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
  • The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
    1. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
    2. Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
    3. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

The CoronaVirus spreads person to person, usually close contact though some evidence suggests the virus can live on surfaces for hours. To avoid spreading infection or being infected practice common sense prevention.

Please check the authoritative guide and I've included some practical suggestions (most things you would do for prevention of any common illness)

(this video is from Jan 31 2020, lots of updates since, though it will give you the basics of the virus plus what you can do to protect yourself)

Not an all inclusive list, feel free to add your suggestions

When in public, don't touch surfaces.
Shelter in place, in your home to avoid exposure to the virus.
Self quarantine if you feel ill (work from home, avoid unnecessary visits to public places)
Postpone non-emergency travel or gatherings including weddings, reunions, etc where large groups of people will gather
Wash your hands often
Practice social distancing, at least six feet distance from others when in public
Avoid places where lots of people are gathering, such as clubs, concerts, etc.
Cover coughs and sneezes (use a disposable tissue not your hand).
Wash 'sick' clothing/bedding/linens, anything that may have been exposed to virus or germs
Stay at home if you're feeling sick
Inform your health care worker IF you suspect you were exposed or have recently traveled to a high infection rate area, i.e. China, Italy, Iran.

Disinfect surfaces in your local environment, i.e. desk, counters, doorknobs, any place that might be touched by more than one person
Avoid touching face, nose, eyes.

You may be infected even if you don't feel sick.

Stay healthy, there are currently no vaccines and (according to sources) antibiotics are not effective except for treating underlying conditions

Some experts are recommending not to be tested IF you are not experiencing symptoms as these tests are rare and should be saved for those exhibiting symptoms

Resources are limited, stock up for what you feel you need but use sensible guidelines to ensure your neighbors have adequate supplies too.

Most importantly, know the facts. Do you own due diligence and research in regards to infection rate in your local community. Rely on authoritative sources to guide you, not the local news or social media.

Authoritative links to help you prepare (please suggest more links below and I will add them here)

I am editing this thread to include some authoritative videos from the CDC - Centers for Disease Control. They have the latest information on COVID-19. You can visit their channel on Youtube. Please share the videos online with your friends, family, neighbors. Take the responsible step to inform others in your local community. We can all do our part to prevent the person-to-person spread.

It might be a little unconventional, but I wanted to update this thread to include a light-hearted demonstration on why it's important to wash hands properly (sanitize surfaces) and practice social distancing. Especially good for all your hand shakers.


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Hi Beverly
Our country Bangladesh get stuck recently but still not out of control. We feel doubt the step of government of our country. Because they are not such liable for people of republic. As well our country people not such conscious about covid 19. Most of the taking it silly, which very alarming for us. Government disclose only 14 people infected who came from abroad recently. One death out of 14. We get panic but believe Allah. He will safe us. InshaAllah. Business getting down too. Hope everything will be fine within month.
Take care everybody.

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Hi Ajlancer, thanks for being the first to respond. Lack of knowledge is the biggest killer. Stay informed, even if local officials are not giving you the whole story.

I am attaching a link for local information which you (or other sellers in that area) may find useful.

It's also useful to read how other areas have/are handling the virus and the progress.

In my particular state, we went from 1 infected to 197 confirmed cases in a short time.

It's important to know the symptoms, which can manifest 2 - 14 days after exposure. And this is what makes the virus so contagious.

A person might have been exposed to the virus and not be showing symptoms but still being infectious, come into contact with dozens others (including family) before their own symptoms manifest.

If you know someone who has been confirmed positive for COVID-19, consider that you may have also been exposed (if you share common environment or local community). And if so, minimize exposure to others in your home/work/community until you are sure you have not been infected.

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Hi ajlancer, Yes you are right. People are very careless about this current pandemic situation.

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Thanks for your useful tips .

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Hi Seorobiul34, let us know how this COVID-19 (coronavirus) is affecting your local community and what safeguards you are taking to protect yourself and family/household from infection.

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Hello and Salam to all First of all Thanks Beverly Its always a pleasure how Seocheckout staff is always concerned about the Seocheckout community. This Discussion will definitely help a lot as there are members from almost every corner of the world who will update the situation in their countries and aware themselves from the safety measures you shared.

I live in Pakistan as of today 450+ effected by COVID-19 and 3rd patient died today. May God prevent us all in this epidemic situation worldwide. My wishes to all the Seocheckout community and especially staff members who are still managing to provide us best support in the lockdown situation worldwide which is very helpful to the freelances working from home and making money and not have to go outside in this lockdown situation.

Here is Pakistan government and military are taking every possible steps to prevent this virus from spreading. Military is playing a huge role to prevent this viral spread. My brother in Law is a Doctor in Military and now he is almost on duty 24/7 along with civilian hospitals. We are satisfied with the measures taken by our government and hoping that this epidemic will soon be over.

Try best not go outside unnecessarily specially in crowded places to minimize the chances of spread.

Thanks Beverly for the nice safety tips and detailed awareness message. My prayers and wishes to all May God protect us all.

Best Regards
Farah Khan

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You can get a nut at home. Already now in my country there is talk about the collapse of the economy. People lose their jobs. Those who have loans have a problem. Unfortunately, it will be more suicides, more people with depression (many will start drinking more) and crime will increase.

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We may suffer for a long time due to a lack of a proper plan in BD. Really worriedWellness Check-in - CoronaVirus, COVID 19 . Already locked in the home for 2 months.

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How is the situation there in your home country/town? Please update us on it as we don't get reliable international news here.

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Disinfect surfaces in your local environment, i.e. desk, counters, doorknobs, any place that might be touched by more than one person
Avoid touching face, nose, eyes.

This is the very much important information newly.
Thanks a lot for sharing a beautiful articles with huge and huge information.
Hope God will save us everyone of this marketplace community.
Every time we need to follow the hand wash rules and 6 feet rules.

In this country we are wearing masks when we are outside.
Here one more precaution is about not to touch pet animals.
Its I saw some days ago on local country.

I am happy by getting the details infos.


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Thanks Centurion, that's great advice. It's always important to practice basic hygiene/sanitation practices when handling pet or farm animals or after visiting live markets.

Here is some useful information in regards to animals/pets and the coronavirus.

So far, no reported cases of pet to human transmission. Though there is some worry that an infected human may expose a pet/companion animal to the virus.

As they suggested,

When handling and caring for animals, basic hygiene measures should always be implemented. This includes hand washing before and after being around or handling animals, their food, or supplies, as well as avoiding kissing, licking or sharing food.

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That is great.
This instruction will help me a lot.
I have pet pigeons for the last 14 months. I give them food 2 times. For the last few days I am keeping distance and cleaning hands everytime. Using masks. I have saw the caution about pet animal in this country:BD. One has been identified death. We are all following cleaning method. But this country is densely populated country. Maximum time staying at home

I shall be more careful about pet pigeons. I shall follow the 6 feet and all of the instructions for saving my life community and well wishers.

May be you too.


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We are from Sri Lanka. Our country situation is very seriously , Please pray for us ,

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Best wishes. Be safe. Stay indoors. Protect yourself and your loved ones. Don't risk infection by socializing in public. It's not worth the risk.

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Here in Bosnia, situation is not so bad as in many countries around us. Many preventive measures are undertaken to minimize number of infected people by coronavirus and there is really only few cases so far, hope it will be ok because weather is warming up and it will help too. Most of us are in self insulation and going out really minimally...

Please everyone, stay at home and keep your self as safe as possible. We have this great "work at home" (freelancing) work to do anyway. I know, for many people business is down, and it may be even worst, but main thing is to survive and stay healthy.

My prayers are with all countries and people, and God bless you...

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Thank you, same to you. Keep yourself and your family safe.

My main worry is that cases of infected are being under reported by local government or infected people aren't being diagnosed because they don't think they are sick/contagious. If a person thinks they are contagion free, they will continue to get out, associate or mingle, go to work, stores and can infect dozens others in the local environment.

It's not a conspiracy, just lack of testing. Or, people not knowing (or being informed) they are sick.

Not every locale is equipped to mass test tens of thousands of people or even care for the sick. Until just a few days ago, they were only able to do 50 tests a day here, now it's scaled up to thousands of tests daily being processed.

And some communities are informed of the health risks by local officials but living in ignorance, with people still going out into public with friends, socializing. People just have to get it into their head, this is real, something to worry about.

This virus spreads really fast, from almost none infected to thousands in a short time. All from person to person contact. For instance here, on Feb 9, 1 reported/confirmed case of infection.

As of today March 19
The CDC says 10,442 confirmed infected

Though another source says 11355

As more tests are being done, they're finding more infected.

This situation is fluid, so it's important to stay informed of the latest news and developments.

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Absolutely Beverly your Point is correct, coronavirus is a dangerous virus and there is no vacancies for it.
and Believe in your God and believe in Him, Allah, we will be safe forever

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Thanks Beverly,
Hope this panic situation will end soon and already affected people will recovered from it. Everyone should eat such foods to increase immunity power. It becomes a great challenge to human being to stay exist.

In seocheckout, we have the best platform to run business to maintain isolation to stop further spreading of such virus.


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Thanks for the tips. it's highly educational. My country Nigeria recently lost our Chief of Staff to this covid-19 few days ago.

We are currently in lockdown to be safe yet new cases are rising day by day. I believe we will get over this one start afresh because souls have been lost.

Stay safe all seocheckout

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Cause this pandemic. Have a big effect on the economy also I can't go outside home. Lose real job and also make me frustrated I can't meet my girlfriend Wellness Check-in - CoronaVirus, COVID 19 . I hope this pandemic will be end fast.

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Missing loved ones is probably the hardest part of most of us. Hope it gets better there.

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Whole world lock down. My place already lock down for almost 55 days. Now the MCO still apply but at least people can go out to buy stuffs. I miss the bar. lol

I created this video 2 days ago. To let people know that they are not alone. For those who still staying home, please don't feel sad. Life is a journey, enjoy it. I also want to remind people to wear mask. Protect your family and others

Cheers from malaysia

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Stay safe and keep working with seocheckout.
Thanks, everyone

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today pakistan second died and total cases patient corona virus 304 all pakistan cities lock down and open only super market and medicine store.... ????

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Best wishes to you all. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

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today 241 deaths in Pakistan and more than 13000 patients.

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To the seocheckout/Ionicware community, buyers, and sellers.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

Subjected guideline to be followed and the statements are been given on the below link from WHO - World Health Organization

Primary link - >>

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Thank you, very useful information to stay informed with authoritative sources. As you say the WHO or World Health Organization and also here the CDC - Centers for Disease Control, all good sources for updated news.

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There is bad information and misinformation circulating. When I come across reliable information like this I reshare it. I have shared this link so that others may review it. Glad Seocheckout posts can appear publicly for the general population to access.

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Thank you so much for doing your part in helping to educate the local or online community. We appreciate your sharing our content.

I was just coming here to update also with some info from the CDC

They say the main symptoms to look for, fever, coughing, shortness of breath. Anyone with underlying or pre existing health conditions including lung disease, coronary disease, even diabetes are more at risk. Even children/teens are at risk, despite what they had previously reported.

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Keep track of local/US cases here, including an interactive map reporting for each US state

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Hi Beverly
Thank You for Very Useful Tips
In My Country now Almost Every work now Become "Remote Working" Because of COVID-19
Also, School Now Become Remote Class.
I Hope COVID-19 Will not Spread Among to us.

Also, Because I am Still Student, My School now becomes Remote Class and We Study From Home.
God Bless Us...

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Please be safe and, if possible, stay indoors.
Btw, i get more Thick 3-Ply Medical Masks and N95 Masks for you. plz give me a message if you or your friends need. thanks

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Looks like Trump just stuck us in our houses for another 30 days :'(

I see why it had to be done :'(

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Our country started an all out curfew 12 days ago and still the condition looks dire. Worst thing is business via offline means is zero for so many including me. Hope everything returns to normal....

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There is an official WHO platform where you can find the information you need.

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As you may already know, NY state has currently the most cases and deaths in the USA. So many people are dying everyday. NYC schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic year. I live in fear. Every time I go out to buy grocery, I always think that I just got infected. The thought of it makes me sick because I'm already asthmatic. This disease spreads way too fast. It's scary.

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I agree with you it is quite unbearable to hear everyday on the news that the medical staff was unable to save another person fallen into the grasp of this disease. Our country has implemented a nationwide curfew thus we haven't gone outside since the last month. It is the fear and uncertainty I feel that is more dangerous. Hope you stay strong and safeWellness Check-in - CoronaVirus, COVID 19

Best Regards,
Nw(Social Media Agency Owner)

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Thanks a lot. Take care of yourself.

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Hello Baverly,
I really appreciate your your useful tips and information.

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Our country Bangladesh get stuck recently but still not out of control. We feel doubt the step of government of our country. Because they are not such liable for people of republic. As well our country people not such conscious about covid 19. Most of the taking it silly, which very alarming for us. Government disclose only 14 people infected who came from abroad recently. One death out of 14. We get panic but believe Allah. He will safe us. InshaAllah. Business getting down too. Hope everything will be fine within month.

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Thanks for Asking about our Welfare.

My Seocheckout Account has not been WORKING PROPERLY for about a Month.

Your Support Staff were also not responding to multiple messages , either.

Even as at Today , I cannot even perform basic tasks.

So I will have to temporarily start using my other account ; with another different Microjobs Network.

Enjoy your Weekend.



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Thank You very much "Beverly Hills" for giving us such useful information, we really appreciate your genuine concern for all the members of this community. Am pretty sure everybody in this forum is constantly keeping themselves updated with information from their local health ministries.

The Whole world is undergoing tremendous suffering right now and our tiny island of Zanzibar is not spared either, once regarded as a tropical paradise and a top destination where tens of thousands of tourists flocked in from all over the world each year, the place is now avoided by people from mainland(TZ) and has become some sort of prison for its residents. I also believe that other Islands like us which derive more than three quarters of their GPD from tourism have been hit hardest. I guess we are not alone after all. When this plague is over we will ask our government to diversify our economy. That is a demand we are going to make for sure.

My Condolences are to those that have lost loved ones, I understand their anguish very well, we feel their sorrow. I Just want them to keep in mind that we are together in this mess. For those that have lost a job or a business it is indeed a sad period for them and their families. Loosing a source of income is indeed depressing, but Loosing a loved one is a different story. Even though going through unemployment may be difficult, you can still turn your life around sometime later when the economic situation changes for the better, however a loved one lost is a precious soul gone forever, human life cannot be valued in monetary terms, it cannot be replaced. We will continue to hold the light for our departed, and continue to keep them in our hearts and minds forever.

The jobs and businesses lost now, will hopefully be recuperated later on, just like the global recession of 2008, when millions upon millions of people across the world were forced to live on the streets, we shall recover from these tough times the same way.

During these trying times we need more cooperation and not confrontation. Only when the whole world is united as one people shall we make a difference against this monster, as the old adage puts it, united we stand, divided we fall. Let us all put aside our Social, Economic,cultural and religious differences and work together to achieve a common goal
which is the good health and safety of all humanity. This is not a time to point fingers at your neighbors and blame one another for the tragedy that has befallen us. When you follow the mainstream media you will find out that harsh words are flying from right to left and vice versa, there is so much blame game, so much swearing and so much cursing, people are wagging fingers at one another saying, "Its all your fault, I know you did this." Its such a sad thing to see that the mainstream media groups are going a great mile to sowing seeds of mistrusts and hatred among people that have been working together for millennia.

This is not the direction we should be heading to right now, especially at such times, this is the moment when the world needs more, love, and cooperation. Then once we have defeated this terrifying monster called COVID-19 and all the citizens of the world are safe can we go back to the drawing board, that’s the only time we will feel safe to ask ourselves questions like, "What did we miss? What went wrong and how did things get out of control?"

There is a somber mood on the entire planet. its supposed to be a time of love, peace and harmony. Debtors should cancel all debts that are owed to them. If your next door neighbor owes you a couple of furniture, cutlery and home appliances, please cancel all their debts. If you have a friend or acquaintance that owes you a car, please go to them and say, "hello wonderful friend, I came here to you today to give you the good news that I have written-off all the debts you owe me, including the car you rammed into a tree a while ago." If you have any hard feelings against anyone, please let go of those hard feelings, this is not a time of vengeance but instead of healing and quick recovery.

Oh! I see light at the end of the tunnel

May Good Health soon Come Upon all the inhabitants of the World.

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Hi HenryNine, I've read your comment several times and appreciate the time and effort you put into this. I'm very tempted to split your response into a new thread as you have good insight and I don't want your observations to be lost in the crowd. Thanks again for your contribution. Take care and be well.

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Until the vaccine is comming stay safe guys! ???? And keep pushing the work ????????

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It could be a while before we have access to a vaccine. An elderly man in the neighborhood that helps my dad with his household chores told him that CoVid19 is over, we have nothing to worry about. Just understand both of these men are well into their senior years. This is scary information for seniors to be believing as it causes one to become relaxed with hand sanitation hygiene and distancing and face mask wearing protocols. I told him, look it's not over. And they say it will be worse in the fall and winter when flu season coincides with

It's not safe to randomly go out and mingle, especially for health disadvantaged elders with poor immune systems. Or at least if you do, then take necessary precautions from getting infected. Because remember you may not get sick but you could infect your child or an elder in your home. Then their sickness would be on your head.

It's scary to see the news where people are getting out en masse to go back to work (though understandable most don't have a choice to just stay home). Shops are reopening, people are taking off the masks.

I hope for everyone's sake, they don't truly believe we are out of the woods yet. In some places, where the virus had little impact before, now dozens are getting sick daily. There is no where on this earth exempt from this virus except remote villages that have contact with the outside world. It takes just one person breathing/coughing in a crowd to infect dozens. Be safe everyone.

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The pandemic is really affecting everything

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Thank you very much for this info.

Yeah, stay safe guys.

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Corona Virus is going to limited now a days.

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Not even a year later and just under a million people have died from CoVid19. Who knew it would go this far?

Wellness Check-in - CoronaVirus, COVID 19

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I recently read an article that said that cannabis prevents the transmission of COVID-19 by 70%, and I think this is an absurd statement. If it were true, humanity would have defeated the virus by now. Yes, taking some dose of high potency weed will give you euphoria, dizziness, or nausea. We all know that it would take a long time to develop a cure for the virus, but it certainly would not be cannabis-based. Now there are several excellent medications to combat COVID-19. I usually order them at They have free shipping, and if you don't like the product, you can return it within 60 days. That's the kind of convenient, and most importantly, real help, not your cannabis.

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Thank you so much for these helpful tips!

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Hi Beverly our country face covid 19 but now everything is normal. under control.

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