
Can I create an affiliate account after suspending of first account?

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Can I create an affiliate account after suspending of first account?

One of my friend create an account on seocheckout. Then he suspend it. Now he create account through my referral link. But his account is not shown in my affiliated account. Please tell me is there any way so I can able to see his account in my affiliated accounts. Thanks


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Well, if his account was suspended and he made a second one, it won't be around for very long because having multiple accounts is against the terms of service lol.

Ask him if his account is still active and if it is I'm sure it won't last long.

His account might not be showing up if he hasn't made any purchases yet. It could also not be showing up because it's been red-flagged due to a previous suspension and he's trying to get around it.

Breaking the rules here isn't tolerated and going around the rules really isn't tolerated.

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Actually My friend himself suspend his first account to become mine affiliate but now his new account which is created through my referal link is not shown in my affiliate.
I want to know is there any way so his account become mine affiliate.
Kindly answer me in this regard.
Thanks you so much for your time.

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