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In today's crazy internet storm of funnels, gurus, get rich quick schemes, and any other fad marketing tactic there are the people who want to stay offline but understand that a website is a powerful thing. Not many companies today, big or small, are completely offline and don't have a presence in the SERPs or even in a basic citation somewhere in a directory.
There are those old fashioned sellers that would rather talk to someone on the phone than via email. I'm not one of these people, I prefer to talk to people unless I absolutely have to, but I've developed a few websites for clients that want to do the opposite of me and talk to every visitor that comes to their pages.
In this discussion, I'll be going over a few things that will help you design a website that will help you take people offline and make them want to pick up a phone and call you
Make it extremely enticing
Whenever you're designing a website, you'll want to make it enticing enough that the user wants to click on everything but you can't make it obvious that you want them to make a purchase. One thing you should never do is use huge red arrows aiming at a "BUY NOW!" button because it turns off the big players. A lot of "gurus" out there will tell you it's a great way to build sales but they're targeting small fish and I'm sure you want to catch 100 whales a month selling to them over the phone
Instead of using big "BUY NOW!" buttons and arrows, you should think of all the main reasons your service or product is the absolute best. You need to highlight the best things about your service or product and talk about them in a few sentences each. You won't want to add all of this information to your homepage, instead, you should add it to subpages or a "features" page where an interested visitor can click through to see everything they want. Take your top 3 features that would be your best sellers and talk about them briefly then add a "More Info" button so they're enticed to click through to the features page
It must be well designed
Your design needs to funnel people to your phone number, contact form, request demo form, or a form that allows them to select a slot in order for you to give them a call at a later date. You can add links to your header and make it part of your navigation, which people click all of the time, and you can also use a chat pop-up that can let them know you're available for a call right now if they have any questions.
Remember, putting your phone number in front of them is the best way to get them to call so don't be afraid to list it on your page a few times. If they call then they're more interested in your product or service compared to another visitor who is more of a tire kicker lol.
Push for phone calls, not email submissions
When you set up your "contact us" page, you will want to remove the form completely and have your physical address along with a phone number. You can set it up so your phone number is a clickable link that will start calling you if someone is on a mobile device. You can get even sneakier and make the clickable phone number only show to people within your country and on a mobile device so you're sure they're within a certain distance and already able to call you
If you prefer to talk to people in order to get them to sign up or make a purchase, you'll want to push your phone number more than an email if someone wants to contact you. You may lose some sales, but the people who are really interested will call right away and see what you're all about
Leverage FOMO
No one wants to miss out on a good deal, which is what you'll be taking advantage of, and you'll do that by giving them a countdown timer along with your phone number. You can make the timer say whatever you want but I would keep it under 48 hours so people really think they'll be missing out. If you set it for 7+ days, then you'll notice people coming back a few days later and never showing up or making a call. If the timer is under 2 days or 48 hours, the person will think "Well, I don't know if I'll be on tomorrow, so I better call them now!" and they usually will if they're interested
Have the timer actually run out and get rid of the deal you're currently running. This will make sure all the spectators are actually missing out and when they contact you after the 48 hours you can always tell them to sign up for your newsletter to get notified of the next deal you plan on running in XX days lol
Final Thoughts
Getting people to call you isn't the toughest thing to do when it comes to websites but if you don't know how to do sales over the phone, then you'll want to stick with form submissions and tickets. For those of you who put forth the extra effort of talking directly with your potential customers, you'll want to push you phone number as much as possible and make sure that's the main way your visitors can contact you instead of a "contact us" form or ticket submission There are a lot of big sales people that use this very method to pull people offline and get them on the hook. They close massive deals with companies all over the place and it's simply because their website pushes a phone number more than a ticket submission form
Thanks for reading
- Tommy
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thanks Nice idea .because with my experience i know this is very impotent for web designing and deveopment thanks
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