
What Did you do when someone Bookmark your Service?

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What Did you do when someone Bookmark your Service?


Like The Title said, What did you do when someone Bookmark your Service?
Did you Send them Direct Message or Just Waiting for Them to Order or send a message to us?

I Have About 5 Person That Bookmark My Whiteboard Animation Videos For Explainer And Advertising Purpose Service
I Don't Know What to do, I want to ask them if they want to Order from me, But I am to Scared that I may Spamming,

Have Any Suggestions??

Thank You, Rehiga


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Usually you just wait for them to order. As long they bookmarked it, it may be intention to buy in future or waiting until it's discounted on sale. Contacting person who bookmarked could be spammy or maybe not, depending how they feel about it.

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hi, Thanks for your Information
Better I didn't do The Direct Message and waiting for them t buy themself.

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I get people bookmarking my service each day and I never message them. I don't want them to think I'm eager for a sale or I need them to buy right now.

They will get a notification if your service ever goes on sale, which is why they likely bookmarked it in the first place, so run a sale from time to time and you should be able to bring in a few extra customers here and there What Did you do when someone Bookmark your Service?

I recently did a 60% off sale on my writing services and had a few orders come in right away. One of the people who ordered literally told me "I don't know what I need to be written, but I couldn't pass up those prices, so I purchased!" lol What Did you do when someone Bookmark your Service?

People will see your services on sale, come check them out, buy them, or they will keep lurking until you hit a price they're more comfortable with What Did you do when someone Bookmark your Service?

This is why I always recommend people to interlink their services so the lurkers can keep browsing through all of your offerings without having to click through to your profile What Did you do when someone Bookmark your Service?

- Tommy

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Hi, Tommy

Thanks for Your Information, I Will Add Some Discount Per Month for increase my salary.
I Will not Message the Person who bookmarked my Services now, Thank You

By the way, I am already Interlink All of my services, you can look at My Services.
Thank You

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