
How many services can I make in level 1 seller?

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How many services can I make in level 1 seller?

Can anyone help me about how many services can I make in Seocheckout as level 1 seller


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Hey Aman,

I've heard that you could only launch 1 service per day but I've never heard of anyone being limited by the number of services in total that they could launch over time.

Here are the starting specs for Level 1 members.
Everyone starts out at Level 1. This is the base level and requires no effort.

Can't create services for less than $3
- Can't create Coupons that lower a service price more than $3
- Longer clearance period for funds
- Can't create instant downloads
- Can't create subscription services
- Withdrawals may go under review, resulting in longer waiting
- Withdrawals have a minimum of $35

As you can see, there is nothing that specifies how many services you can post but it does say other things like not being able to create something for less than $3, your withdraws may go into review, and your threshold is $35 at level 1.

There may be some new settings for level 1 members due to the new theme coming out, but I haven't heard of them just yet and no one has complained about being limited in terms of posting dozens of services as a level 1 member.

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I have check your service, better you sell on

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Why what changes their.will i get more order their?

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